Hello, hungry viewer!

Welcome to my food page, where I list and rate eateries I’ve visited.

This started out as a way for me to know which places I would want to try again and ones I wouldn’t.

If you find it useful too, do consider following my Instagram page @kamath_khamat for more!

My Rating Scale

A*: An absolute must-try!!

A+: Would definitely order again!

A: Would be keen to order again.

A-: Wouldn’t mind ordering again.

B: Wouldn’t order again if a better option is available.

C: Wouldn’t order even if I’m paid to do so.


My bar for good food is low, so you will find most of the ratings to be A- or higher. So you may or may not prefer the ones I like, but you’ll most certainly want to avoid the ones I don’t!


Abhiruchi (A*)

Boudin SF (A+)

Chaat Bhavan (A)

Dave’s Hot Chicken (A-)

Delhiwala Chaat (A)

Madras Cafe (A)